Current Projects

With my upcoming retirement in a few years I decided it was time to sit down and work out what games I wanted to play in my retirement.

Rather than follow the trend of newest, brightest, shiniest, I have decided to go with games that I have enjoyed playing over the years. We all have games we loved but moved on from when a newer (and sometimes inferior) edition came along. So I spent time writing a list of the games I really enjoyed playing – and why.

At the top of the list came Warhammer Ancient Battles. It was a ruleset that harkened back to units rather than “elements”, and had a great deal of the things I found enjoyable in Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

Warhammer Ancient Battles 2nd Edn.

The second item to hit the list was Warhammer Fantasy Battles. For me 6th edition was when I was most involved in the games, and a time when hero-hammer was gone and horde-hammer was yet to arrive. For the most part the armies were well balanced and the Warhammer universe had yet to go very very dark, as it started to do with 7th edition.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th edn.

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Games comes in a solid third on my list of projects. The cost of the books is a little steep (especially in New Zealand where we pay double the exchange rate for stuff bought locally) but the game is solid. The acquisition of a 3d printer has helped.

Lastly I will be assembling a small collection of 28mm WW2 figures and vehicles for NW Europe. It is tempting to buy into lots of other campaigns as well, but this is to be my minor project, so limitations must apply. Endless gaming fun can be had though with just a platoon aside thanks to Too Fat Lardies and their Chain of Command ruleset and campaign modules.

I have also started dabbling in Star Wars Legion. It is unclear at this stage as to whether it is a distraction or will soon become quite the obsession! Past experience suggests the latter…

WW2 Update

Exams are finally over and the Degree is now completed. Now all that remains is the easy part of obtaining a job…

In the past month I have been able to assemble my first section of British for my CoC Operation Martlet project. I am expecting that this will take me the better part of the next year or so, as it will involve not only the forces, but also the terrain.

Watch this space…

WW2 Project Begins

I have been having a bit of a tidy up recently, pulling out boxes and looking into then with great interest – as I had no idea what was in so many of them. Oh my, what a can of worms I have opened.

So many of these boxes were filled with 28mm WW2 stuff, bought from a friend a few years ago, some extra stuff I bought on a whim, and even more stuff I picked up when Mighty Ape was having its sales.

I have over 1000 WW2 figures, dozens of tanks and a similar number of guns. I only have the one 88, so I seem to have shown some restraint…

So I have left one of the boxes out and have started on completing every model within it. The first (and second…) boxes are filled with US stuff. The third is filled with British and the fourth and fifth are filled with German.

Let the fun begin!